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Ciabatta Bread – Make at Home

Ciabatta bread is great for panini sandwiches, dipping into soups, or just eating.  This is a step into the artisan bread making, and I’ll admit that I’m not quite a true artisan just yet…  I’ve attempted this recipe twice and the bread has turned out great tasting and like any bread makes the house smell great while it’s baking.  While that all sounds good, I still can’t get the rise I’m hoping for with the large air bubble holes that is so iconic to a ciabatta loaf.  Regardless, I like this recipe and will continue to try it again and see if I can’t improve on my form a bit.

I have a feeling one of the keys I’m missing is that I’m using store brand flour as opposed to some of the finer flours – that may be part of the issue.

One thing to note though – this recipe will create more of a glop for the dough – it’s not the traditional dough ball you may be familiar with.  I’ve found this makes a bit of a mess in the kitchen, but it’s worth it.  It should be a bit gloppier than some other doughs.

Ciabatta bread is great for so many meals, sandwiches, or as a side dish. The goal is to have large air bubbles inside of the loaves with a soft chewy inside and a firm outer crust.




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