Crock Pot Pulled Chicken
Servings Prep Time
30sandwiches 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
30sandwiches 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Place chicken breasts in the crock pot.
  2. Season with the salt and pepper.
  3. Cover and cook on low for 6 hours.
  4. Shred with a tongs by grabbing and twisting. Let cook for another 1/2 hour to let the meat re-absorb the liquid.
Recipe Notes
  • When you first open the crock pot at the end of cooking you may notice there is a lot of liquid in the crock pot.  That is ok – do NOT drain this.  Shred the chicken and put back into these juices.  The chicken will soak it up and pull the flavor back into the meat and keep it from being so dry.
  • There are several methods of shredding the pork.
    • Twist with a tongs.  Since the fat was trimmed after 8 hours it should fall apart quite easily.
    • Use two forks to pull apart the meat into shreds.
    • Pulled pork shredding claws such as these Meat Claws by Cave Tools.