A great way to browse, huh? This is an issue I was having the other day. I’ve seen it in the past too, so I figured I’d post what I know about the issue to help others out.
I’m running Windows 7 64bit on a Dell workstation. I’m a web developer, so having numerous browsers at my disposal for testing is beneficial; hence why I first installed this browser. The first time I installed it I got this same look. I uninstalled, reinstalled, and no go. My memory escapes me right now as to what I did that finally fixed the issue. But all was good and the Safari worked fine.
A few days ago I had to tear down my computer to move it, plugged everything back in and all was good. With the exception of Apple’s Safari web browser. I was getting the black background issue above. Any pages opened showed the black, including the menus.
I was able to fix the black background issue by updating the browser through the Apple Software Update software. I’m now running 5.1.1 and all seems good right now. I can’t tell you what version I was previously running; the background and text were both black and it wasn’t really possible to read. ;)
As for what causes this issue, I’m really not sure. But a few web searches show that it is a bit of a common problem, and may be a glitch in the software. But there really wasn’t much for answers out on the net that I could find.
I hope this helps!