Title Tag and Meta Description Tool

Fill in the boxes below to test your title tag and meta description. The character count is displayed for each and updates as you type.

In addition, you can enter up to 5 keywords below to check the number of times that keyword appears in both the title tag and meta description.

Title Tag Formulas [ + Expand ]

{ } = Optional, [ ] = Required

Category / Site Section / Landing / Home Page:
{ Modifying Keyword } [ Category Name ] { Alternate Category Name } [ Brand Name ]

Product Detail Page:
[ Product Name ] { Color } { Alternate Product Name } { Product Category }

Product Detail Page:
[ Primary Keyword ] { , Secondary Keyword } [Brand Name]


Resources[ + Expand ]

Title Tag Length: What should the title tag length be in 2023? (Search Engine Land) An analysis on the ageless debate of how long a title tag should be.

Title Tag Length: Gary Illyes (Twitter) Google's Gary Illyes re-itterates the importance of HTML Title Tags in June 2019

Title Tag Length: The SEM Post Recommended title tag length for desktop and mobile based on Googles updated display in May 2016

Meta Description Length: Search Engine Land Recommended meta description tag length based on observed changes in Google search results. Published December 1st, 2017

Deck: SEO Copywriting Best Practices Source: Performics

Keyword Research: Google Keyword Planner Search voulume and alternate keyword recommendations

Keyword Research: Word Pot Search Volume, keyword suggestions, and keyword density tool. Requires a free account (limited searches).

Keyword Suggestions: Uber Suggest Offers keyword suggestions

External Resource: SEO Optimise: Copywriting Tricks A great introduction and tips on meta data writing methods

External Resource: SEO Moz Article: Title Tags A great introduction article

External Resource: Search Engine Journal Article: Six Actionable SEO Tips You Can Discover From Every SERP A great article about title tag writing tips and general SEO tips.

External Resource: SEO Moz Article: Meta Descriptions A great introduction article


Title Tag

Common Title Tag Suffix: ( characters including spaces)

Page Speciffic Title Tag:
Number of Characters: (maximum of 78 characters including spaces)
Final Title Tag:
Number of Characters: (maximum of 78 characters including spaces)

Meta Description

Number of Characters: (maximum of 158 characters including spaces)


** Case IN-SENSITIVE, one word per field
Keyword #1: Title Count: Description Count:
Keyword #2: Title Count: Description Count:
Keyword #3: Title Count: Description Count:
Keyword #4: Title Count: Description Count:
Keyword #5: Title Count: Description Count:
Check Keywords

Update Log

  • April 10th, 2022: Changed meta description max characters from 230 to 158 based on industry changes. 120 characters for mobile, 158 characters for Google, and 168 characters for Bing and Yahoo. Reference
  • December 4th, 2017: Changed meta description max characters from 165 to 230 based on updated Google display. Reference
  • May 17th, 2016: Changed max characters from 70 to 78 based on updated Google display. Reference
  • July 30th, 2014: Modified layout to make a unified SEO Tools site and tried to clean up the look and feel a bit...
  • September 26th, 2013: Changed the Meta Description character limit from 160 to 165 per recommendation from Performics.
  • September 23rd, 2013: Changed link to Google Keyword tool to Keyword Planner Tool.
  • June 20th, 2013: Added a resource link on copywriting tricks.
  • June 5th, 2013: Added a link to Uber Suggest. Added a section for Resources at the top of the page.
  • November 8th, 2012: Updated the keyword checker to be case in-sensitive.