I’m finishing setting up a WordPress site inside of a Magento installation using the Fishpig Magento WordPress Integration Extension. All this really means is that for the most part the WordPress backend is 100% in tack, but the frontend is actually using my Magento theme and file structure.
But my issue was this: when you add an image to a post, by default the Link To dropdown box in the media selection tool is set “Media File”. This means that a user will click on the image and be brought to a blank page with the image – a bad user experience in my mind. I saw some others have had similar issues and have done fixes for this by adding some code to the themes functions.php file. However given the Fishpig Magento WordPress Integration mentioned above, the functions.php file doesn’t actually run (best I can tell at least) – the extension powers the functions it needs.
So rather than make my blog posters change the Link To dropdown every time they upload an image, I found a “secret” options page in the backend of WordPress that allowed for me to make this change.
The URL is:
This brings up a page with some backend settings. I simply changed the value for “image_default_link_type” to “none” and pressed the “Save Changes” button and it’s all set!
I know I could have dug around in the database and found this same setting and made the update there, but this was much cleaner, quicker and simpler! I think it’s safe to say use this page safely – only work on what you know you should be doing, but this seems to be a shortcut to some deep settings or some settings that can’t be accessed via the admin tool in any other way.
Happy posting!!!