Google Analytics Parameter List for Universal Analytics with Enhanced Ecommerce

This is an unofficial Google Analytics parameters list of the query parameters to send to Google Analytics for various types of tracking occurrences. This list pertains specifically to Universal Analytics using analytics.js as well as the Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce plugin.

This Google Analytics parameters list was complied by me through my work of implementing Google Analytics Universal on several eCommerce websites. Use this parameters list as a reference to what query parameters need to be set and formatted when sending tracking requests to Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Query Parameters List for Universal Analytics

Note: {x} below indicates a variable number placeholder.

Note: {y} below indicates a numeric placeholder that matches with a custom variable set in the Google Analytics Admin.

ParameterParameter NameData FormatRelates ToExpected Values
il1nmList Namestring  
il1pi{x}idProduct IDstring  
il1pi{x}nmProduct Namestring  
il1pi{x}vaVariant (color)string  
il1pi{x}psList positionnumber  
ga(‘send’, ‘event’
Event CategoryEvent Categorystring  
Event ActionEvent Actionstring  
Event LabelEvent Labelstring  
Event ValueEvent Valuenumber  
palActionstring click
pa Liststring add, remove, click, detail, checkout, checkout_option, purchase, refund, promo_click
cosCheckout Steparraycheckout 
colCheckout Optionstringcheckout 
tiTransaction IDstringpurchase 
taStore where Purchase Occurredstringpurchase 
ttTax Amountstringpurchase 
tsShipping Amountstringpurchase 
tccTransaction Coupon Codestringpurchase 
pr{x}idProduct ID string  
pr{x}nmProduct Namestring  
pr{x}prProduct Pricefloat  
pr{x}caCategory string  
pr{x}brBrand string  
pr{x}vaVariant (color) string  
pr{x}psPosition in list number  
pr{x}ccProduct Coupon Codestring  
pr{x}cm{y}Product Custom Metricnumber  
pr{x}cd{y}Product Custom Dimensionstring  
ga(‘send’, ‘social’
snSocial Networkstring  
sa Social Actionstring Like, Pin, etc.
st Social Targetstring URL of page the action references
Google Analytics Base Parameters
Custom Metrics & Custom Dimensions
 cm{y}Custom Metric number  
cd{y} Custom Dimensionstring   
Universal Analytics   
 tHit Typestring pageview, event
 niNon-Interaction Hitboolean 1
 dlDocument Location URLstring  
 drDocument ReferrerstringPage view URL identifying the site/page the directed the visitor to this page. 
 dtDocument TitlestringPage viewTitle tag of page